They sanitise the air in your home, absorb pollution, relieve eyesight, improve your mood and have a very low maintenance cost.
What are they? One of the many miracles of nature: indoor plants!

We explained to you in another article that to maintain ideal conditions in the house and have a healthy environment, you must control the temperature and keep the rooms ventilated.

Don’t worry if you think you have a black thumb: we recommend plants that are easy to manage and we will reveal a little secret to make them lush!

Unwanted guests in your home

We’ll tell you something that we know you will not like (but don’t worry, we already have one, or even better, more than one quick solution ready!): The air in your home is often much more polluted than the air you breathe outside.

In fact, among the major indoor pollutants there are elements of our daily lives as: furniture and furnishings, all combustion processes (stoves, fireplaces, etc.) or their by-products (smells from cook, unburned fumes, etc.), household cleaning products (bleach, acetone, etc.), cosmetics for personal care and hygiene (perfumes, deodorants, soaps, enamels, etc.) or laundry products (detergents and softeners), non-certified construction materials (dyes, paints, adhesives, etc.).

In most cases we are not aware of their danger, also because they are either invisible and odourless or they have a nice scent. This leads to underestimating the severity of the problem and to underrate its impact on our health. Therefore, many more substances can be concentrated at home than those found outside. Opening the windows regularly and maintaining an internal temperature of 19-20 degrees helps to lower these concentrations, together with the presence of plants, which we are talking about here, and a certified device for sanitising and purifying the rooms.

Indoor plants to improve the air

Some plants are excellent tools for regulating thermo-hygrometric comfort and represent a natural filter for many harmful substances. If placed in places suitable for their growth, some specific indoor plants offer continuous and free air purification.

The Areca Palmata (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens); Sanseveria (Sansevieria trifasciata) and Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata “bostoniensis”) are the most effective indoor plants for the absorption of volatile pollutants.

The properties of these plants were researched by NASA, then published in 1984, aimed at solving environmental problems related to the poor quality of the air inside Skylabs during space missions. From the studies carried out in the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County (MS) by prof. Wolverton, about fifty plant species have emerged with strong ability to absorb volatile harmful substances. Many of these are common houseplants.

The Areca Palmata works like a generic vacuum cleaner with poor selective characteristics with regard to specific substances, but with good diminishing ability for many harmful compounds; Sanseveria transforms carbon dioxide into oxygen in an inverted cycle, which means that it can purify the air while we sleep if used at night in the bedrooms; and finally, the Boston Fern helps eliminate formaldehyde.

How to take care of them

Indoor plants work very well on air quality, but to function well they must stay healthy: these “friends” of ours give us a great help, but in return they need natural light, water and a bit of care. Nothing complicated, however: you can do it even if you consider yourself a professional black thumb!

Let’s see them one by one.

Areca Palmata: A key factor in successfully growing Areca palms indoors is providing the right amount of light. They need bright, indirect light from a south or west facing window. Water: in spring and summer the soil must always be moist, so water frequently. In autumn and winter, allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering.

Sanseveria: requires very little care, so much so that you can (almost) forget about it. It prefers a fair exposure to the sun, but is also suitable for environments with little light. In winter, water it every 5-6 weeks, while in summer every 2. The only mistake you can make with a Sanseveria is to give it too much water.

Boston Fern: Needs a cool place with high amounts of humidity and indirect light, so it’s perfect for bathrooms and kitchens. To keep it healthy you just need to make sure the soil stays moist by checking it every day and watering if it looks dry.

Our secret

Your indoor plant’s best friend? Our Cube! Try placing it close to your plants and you will quickly see the difference! The Non-Thermal Plasma technology present in each Cube creates the ideal environment not only for you but also for your plants that will thrive.