What are our body’s sources of energy? One is food and the other is air! Have you ever thought about it?
The body recharges itself through breathing, which can be aerobic or anaerobic. One is more efficient and the other is the backup system. Do you know the difference?

  1. The reserve system: it is anaerobic respiration. It gives you the turbo, but it is not to be used for long because it also emits toxins produced by an excess of lactic acid. When you exceed your limits at the gym or while running, that’s the red flag: nausea, muscle weakness, cold sweat. Remember: if you are working so hard as to feel sick, it is not good! You’re not burning more or toning up but on the contrary, you risk straining your muscles. Since the anaerobic system is a reserve system, the anaerobic muscle fibers are fewer in number and less developed, thus if we have them work too much, we risk tearing them.
  2. The constant charge: it is the aerobic respiration that supplies the cells with oxygen and is 16 times more efficient than the anaerobic mode.
  3. Heart rate: to stay in aerobic respiration it is important to maintain the right heart rate for you, even under stress. How to find it? Simple: subtract your age from 180. The result indicates the maximum that your body can withstand in an aerobic state.
  4. The secret of well-being is to stay in aerobic breathing for as long as possible, even when doing sports.