Why purify the air in your home and workplace?

Would you eat (or give your loved ones) a dirty apple without washing it first? Would you wear a suit worn by strangers before you, without putting it in the washing machine? Would you go to bed in the shoes you’ve been walking outside in all day?

You most likely answered no to all of these questions: under normal, everyday conditions (certainly not the action movie ones where sleeping with your shoes on and with a gun under your pillow is part of the thrilling story), before letting your body in contact with something dirty or contaminated, you take care to clean it, cleanse it, decontaminate it, if that is the case.   

Yet for the most important vital element, the one that makes us alive every second, we don’t usually have this worry. Until shortly before the pandemic, most people took little care of what they breathed. Of course, with Covid-19, the need to have safe environments has become an urgency, but perhaps the awareness that it is not just viruses that make closed spaces unhealthy has not yet become common. Pollutants that arrive from the outside or generated inside (from furnishings, activities and the presence of people), if the environment is not sufficiently ventilated, gradually increase in concentration and are breathed in by those who are present, with consequences on their well-being.       

Breathing clean air is an important prevention tool: it improves the quality of sleep, strengthens the immune system, increases concentration and productivity, and gives relief to those suffering from allergies and asthma. Surrounding yourself with clean air helps prevent chronic headaches, fatigue, heart disease, and numerous serious degenerative conditions. The children, the elderly and people with health problems cardiovascular, immunosuppression, allergies, asthma or breathing difficulties have great benefits, apparent immediately, from breathing sanitised and decontaminated air.           

Try to be careful: signs of poor indoor air quality are, for example, accumulations of dust, condensation on windows and heavy or bad smelling air, feeling of fatigue in breathing, especially at night. The causes of poor air quality can be kitchen fumes, especially gas, heating and cooling systems, moulds, pets, household cleaning chemicals, furniture and building materials (paints, glues, mortars, etc.), pollution that comes from the outside.      

Useful actions to improve the health of your spaces

  1. Increase the air exchange: open the windows and use a purifier to reduce pollutants and always have clean air. Jonix Cube regenerates the air of your spaces thanks to an advanced and patented technology: Jonix Non-Thermal Plasma Technology, is an ACTIVE system, i.e., the reactive particles “hunt” for all the pollutants presents in the environment (viruses, bacteria, moulds, VOCs, particulate matter) and break them down without leaving residues. And you breathe safe, healthy, clean air      
  2. Avoid clutter, which offers particle collection points. Clean surfaces daily, especially those where you spend a lot of time, like a desk or bedside table, to get rid of any dust you might be inhaling.
  3. Avoid introducing pollutants from the outside: leave your shoes outside, if possible, brush pets outdoors.
  4. Be careful of what burns or is dispersed in the air: the smoke from candles, incense, essential oils, cigarettes, and air fresheners, release substances that can be inhaled, so it is important to ventilate the rooms after burning any inside them and immediately dispose of the ash.
  5. Wash your eyes and nose every evening and every morning, with simple water or a physiological solution, you will breathe better immediately and will help you prevent colds.
  6. Surround yourself with plants, especially those indoor types that absorb pollutants
  7. For cleaning, choose products that are non-aggressive and as natural as possible, so as not to inhale toxic substances both during cleansing and afterwards.

Purify the air in your rooms with Jonix products