One of our “mantras” in Jonix is that No business is an island entire of itself; every business is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

And in it everyone must do their part, with what they have, for what they can, without facade heroism but in a concrete way, both in small as in large things. This is why we felt involved in the events of COP26, the climate change conference that closed in Glasgow last month. And today we want to tell you how we try to make our contribution, carrying out our business.

Cop26: what it is, who was involved and why it is so important

COP is the international climate summit (COP stands for Conference of the Parties) which has been held annually since 1995, when the United Nations proposed involving 190 countries around the world to work together on how to tackle climate change. This year the 26th meeting, hence the name COP26, was held in Glasgow, Scotland. In reality, the twenty-sixth appointment should have been held last year, but due to the pandemic it has been postponed to the earliest possible date.   

Climate conferences are key opportunities to take meaningful action to address global emissions reductions and support countries that are already experiencing the worst impacts of climate change. And they give us a fundamental lesson: nothing can be done alone, only together is it possible to achieve significant and truly impactful results.  

From degree to degree: global commitments for the future

From 3 to 2 and from 2 to 1.5: these seem very minor differences, yet in those small differences in degree lies a huge change that could devastate our planet in the near future, directly affecting the lives of our children and their children.

2 degrees less was the (binding) pact with which the Paris Climate Conference was closed in 2015: the 196 nations present had pledged to keep the global temperature increase “well below” 2 ° C compared to pre-industrial levels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions so as to avoid dangerous levels of global warming. 

After 6 years it is clear that 2 degrees is no longer enough: scientists estimate that emissions must be reduced by 45% within 2030, to reach 0 emissions by 2050, to avert a catastrophic increase in global temperature of 3 degrees.

Cop26 highlighted the strategic importance of single actions: every single state must do its part, like every single person and every single company. Only together can we reach such an important goal: even if what we do seems like a drop in the ocean, we know that the ocean is made of drops. 

Jonix’s commitment

We too at Jonix want to do our part which is expressed in the choices we make every day, in the development of products, in the search for suppliers and raw materials in the production, in the partnerships we forge.

What do we do in practice?

Mission: at the heart of our business is to make responsible actions capable of building the future, which is why we have become a benefit corporation and we have made the commitment to declare every year what we have done and what we are doing at an environmental, social and qualitative level in the sustainability report (here you can see the 2020 sustainability report.

Production: completely Italian. Each Jonix device is designed and manufactured in Italy , with a short supply chain and materials sourced as much as possible from local suppliers. Each device is also made with a percentage of recycled and recyclable components to the maximum extent to ensure reliable and long-lasting products. 

Suppliers: local, chosen based on the quality of workmanship, geographical proximity, to impact the environment as little as possible, to the values ​​with which they guide their company, to create harmonious social and economic development together.   

Durability and Repairability: Every Jonix device is designed and built to last longer than the standard 5 years of most small appliances. In the event of a malfunction, our technical department is able to solve the problem and make your device as good as new, so that it can accompany you for a long time.   

Consumption: Jonix sanitizers are also designed to have low running costs and absorption of a few watts. 

Energy saving: Jonix devices favour air regeneration and exchange without the need for continuous openings of windows or to keep them open for long periods.  

Impact : we have decided to plant the number of trees necessary to compensate for the production of CO2 generated by the productions, by joining the Treedom project and we are supporters of the Clean Up initiatives in the area , promoted by Legambiente and local associations such as Plastic Lagoon Venice.      Research: our Jonix Lab in collaboration with important universities is studying and testing the application of Jonix Non-Thermal Plasma Technology in agriculture to obtain completely sustainable crops in terms of reduction (up to complete elimination) of chemical products, optimization of available water resources,soil saving thanks to vertical cultivation. Agriculture that goes beyond organic, with crops in environments protected from elements and pollution, greater protection for farmers and the related economy, increase in the quality and safety of products for consumers, we don’t see this as a dream but a reality in the near future.